Saturday, June 9, 2012

Drug Prevention Experts Disapointed With Cuomo's Stance on Pot

Reported by: Bobby Brooks
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Updated: 6/08 9:09 pm
Elmira, N.Y. - Local drug prevention officials say they're disappointed with a proposal to lessen the punishment for having small amounts of marijuana in public.
Drug prevention educators think Governor Andrew Cuomo's proposal will only lead people, especially teens, to think pot isn't a dangerous drug.Cuomo says he wants to lesson the penalty of possessing 25 grams of pot or less from a felony to a fine. Cuomo's goal is to avoid unnecessary misdemeanor charges and arrests against thousands of New Yorkers.
Kyle Lambert of Trinity Drug Prevention in Chemung County said, "Our goal is to get people to understand it is a dangerous drug and it can be addicting, and it leads to a lot of unhealthy choices and long term negative consequences. By reducing the fine it means people will start to think it's safe."
"I think that they should just legalize it anyways cause 90% of people in jail are in there for drugs anyways.  So, that'd mean less money coming out of our pockets." said, Benjamin Tohafjian of Elmira, N.Y.
Alex Boggs of Elmira said, "They're illegalizing something that grows from the ground.  I don't believe that's right anyways. I'd support it 100%."
Possession of less than 25 grams was reduced to a violation in 1977 which results in a ticket or fine. Right now, if the pot is burning or in public view it rises to a misdemeanor crime.

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