Saturday, July 28, 2012

Marijuana in Oregon: Pot legalization measure would give kids quite an education

Published: Saturday, July 28, 2012, 10:27 AM     Updated: Saturday, July 28, 2012, 10:27 AM
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Hey, kids! Long-term and heavy use of marijuana isn't bad for the brain! 

This is the kind of fact included in the text of Measure 80, a marijuana-legalization initiative that qualified this month for the November ballotin Oregon. The measure isn't just a pushback against federal drug laws. It's also a backdoor attempt to make public schools teach weed-friendly lessons to students. 

This seems like a new form of Reefer Madness, trading overly negative rhetoric about drugs for a different type of propaganda. 

Measure 80, also known as the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, would legalize the growing and sale of marijuana for adults 21 and older. From a distance, the citizen initiative seems to reflect Oregon's healthy libertarian streak and its admirably permissive attitude toward private habits. Up close, the measure is more ambitious. It appears eager to indoctrinate the next generation into thinking of marijuana use as no big deal and cannabis cultivation as downright patriotic. 

(Hey, kids! Did you know that George Washington grew cannabis, or that Thomas Jefferson invented a cannabis-processing device? It says so in Measure 80.) 

Backers say taxing commercial marijuana sales would generate $140 million a year. Under the measure, one percent of the net proceeds from those sales would help fund a drug education program in all Oregon school districts. The program would be required to meet three goals. First, it would teach students how drug abusers harm others. Second, it would convince students to be good citizens if they choose to use psychoactive drugs as adults. (Psychoactive is a broad term covering everything from caffeine to opioids, LSD and marijuana.) 

Third, it would persuade students to decline to do drugs "by providing them with accurate information about the threat these drugs pose to their mental and physical development" (italics added). 

Oregon teachers might wonder what constitutes "accurate information" about marijuana, the most politicized weed on the planet. Helpfully, the initiative sponsors anticipated the question. The measure is silent on the potential health risks of teen marijuana use, and it includes a 30-point preamble of beliefs and findings that Oregonians, by voting yes, declare to be true. 

For example, Measure 80 says: 

*  Long-term, heavy marijuana users "do not deviate significantly from their social peers in terms of mental function." 

*  Moderate marijuana use "causes very little impairment of psychomotor functions." 

*  People who say marijuana is a gateway drug are lying. In fact, such lies "destroy the credibility of valid educational messages about moderate and responsible use (of marijuana) and valid warnings against other truly dangerous drugs." 

*  Marijuana is a "relatively nonaddictive and comparatively harmless euphoriant used and cultivated for more than 10,000 years without a single lethal overdose." 

*  Marijuana use "does not constitute a public health problem of any significant dimension."  

*  People have been misled about the true environmental and medical benefits of hemp and marijuana by "federal and corporate misinformation campaigns." 

Got that? And don't forget the part about George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, our cannabis-loving Founding Fathers. 

Initiative petitioner Paul Stanford, who owns a chain of medical marijuana clinics, said the pro-drug preamble was written as part of a larger legal strategy to prevail in court against the federal government, which still defines marijuana as an illegal drug without medical or social value. He said the measure expressly prohibits teen marijuana use, which is true. The goal of the drug education program, he said during an interview last week with The Oregonian editorial board, is simply to provide students with accurate and scientific information about drugs. 

He then returned to his remarks about the evils of marijuana prohibition and the wonders of cannabis. 

It's not clear who would develop the curriculum for Oregon's drug education program. Maybe the Department of Education or local school districts would do the work. Perhaps the Oregon Cannabis Commission, a grower-dominated group created by Measure 80, would provide oversight. 

Either way, the initiative puts Oregon in the business of promoting and selling marijuana. It also requires "accurate" drug education in schools, after spending several pages reciting, chapter and verse, what Oregonians would hereby define as The Truth about marijuana. 

That's not decriminalization -- or education, either. 

It's religion. 

-- Associate editor Susan Nielsen, The Oregonian

Monday, July 2, 2012

In Defense of President Obama's Medical Marijuana Policy

Posted: 07/02/2012 1:56 pm

Some, like Bill O'Reilly, consider the California medical marijuana movement a scam. It's not hard to agree with his position without ignoring the existence of legitimate medical marijuana. Let me explain.
I prefer cannabis to be regulated as a recreational substance like wine, but, as the song goes, you can't always get what you want. As a law-abiding California adult I keep my use of cannabis to that which leaves me immune to state criminal prosecution and that in which the DEA ignores my actions, i.e., as long as I comply with state medical marijuana laws. This seems simple to me.
I like Obama and I wish he would do the right thing and reschedule cannabis as one of the least dangerous, and least addicting, psychoactive substances -- that same song is playing again. Obama did take steps to reassure medical marijuana patients that they are 'DEA uninteresting,' while warning those not complaint with state medical marijuana laws that they remain DEA targets.
Call me odd, but before I asked a doctor for a cannabis recommendation I read the laws and memorandums regarding California medical marijuana. Crazy, I know. Sans-bullshit, here's what will keep a legitimate medical marijuana user safe in California, and, as far as California is concerned, explains why Obama has kept his word.
In 1996, Proposition 215 granted Californians immunity to state criminal prosecution for the cultivation and possession of marijuana for "personal medical purposes" upon "the recommendation of a physician." In 2003, California SB 420 was written to clarify Prop 215 and specified that it did not "authorize any individual or group to cultivate or distribute marijuana forprofit."
On Oct. 19, 2009 Attorney General Eric Holder released a memorandum not to focus federal resources "on individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana." Holder also mentioned that Congress still determines "that marijuana is a dangerous drug" to justify targeting those who "unlawfully market and sell marijuana for profit."
Get it? See the theme? Money from selling cannabis makes the government stand up and take notice.
The current not-for-profit economic structure does not support California's medical cannabis culture as it operates today. Hard-ass boors, like O'Reilly, ignore the true relief cannabis offerswithout the physical addiction, or toxicity, of alcohol or pharmaceuticals. On the other hand, only the reckless ignore the present legal difference between medical and recreational cannabis, which amounts to 'no profit.'
Cannabis reform is inhibited by an obsolete classification of cannabis under the Controlled Substances Act. Let us bring the law up to scientific, and moral, reality rather than the other way around. Obama, in your second term, do the right thing and shake up the O'Reilly's of the world with a proper dose of reality by rescheduling cannabis as the virtual harmless substance that it is -- or, at least, do it on your way out.
Originally published on