by Alex Alvarez | 10:29 pm, November 30th, 2011
» 11 commentsO’Reilly kicked things off by reminding his viewers that The Factor had been one of the first news programs to “expose the medical marijuana ruse in California.” Now, some medical marijuana dealers in the state are finding themselves in trouble with the federal government, which does not recognize California’s laws concerning sales of the substance.
Steve, who says he uses medical marijuana himself to help with the pain associated with having a degenerative disc, shared that, while sales of medical marijuana are in the millions, his center is a non-profit and he makes a set salary. Andrew says he also uses marijuana to help with his glaucoma.
O’Reilly noted that some people are being prescribed marijuana to deal with anxiety… even though anxiety is something every human being deals with on nearly a daily basis. So, basically, he mused, anyone can obtain a card permitting them to buy cannabis legally in the state of California. The Deangelos countered by pointing out that many are prescribed often dangerous prescription drugs to deal with anxiety, some with side effects much worse than what would be experienced by taking a specified amount of cannabis. And, besides, you aren’t able to purchase marijuana with them without permission from a doctor.
Steve added that, while he doesn’t have the medical training to determine who has a “chronic” [Ed. note: LOL] case of anxiety, he does check with the medical board of California to ensure that the doctors their patients use are “licensed and in good standing.”
Andrew then weighed in, telling O’Reilly that he does not support the legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes.
“But you know what the ruse is,” said O’Reilly. “You know what the scam is. I’m anxious, give me the card.”
“I don’t want to go blind, Bill,” said Andrew, referring to his glaucoma. “I don’t want to go blind.”
You can get to know the Deangelos better and learn more about the discussion surrounding medical marijuana by watching Discovery’s Weed Wars.
Have a look at the segment, via Fox News: